

ReadyNAS OS Version 6.4.1が公開されている。


関連:ReadyNAS OS Version 6.4.1


Document Type:Published 11/30/2015 11:53 PM
Release Notes:Updated 12/02/2015 12:43 AM

ReadyNAS OS Version 6.4.1

New Features:

1.SMB clients will now see the shared quota usage when checking volume usage.

2.The UI Shares page now has a new layout to provide more information at a glance. See FAQ on changes to the shares page for further information.

3.Added AFP forced permission setting option for new files and folders.

4.Password recovery allows for configurable options (email password recovery or recovery using physical reset button).

5.SSH configuration option per user to allow shell or rsync only access.

Enhancements & Bug Fixes:

Fixes various rsync backup issues.

Fixes false error reports from FTP backups.

Fixes USB devices losing their names when updating from 6.2.x.

Fixes eSATA port on RN104.

Fixes issue where all SMB connections would be disconnected when making share access changes to any share.

Changed I/O handling to hopefully work better with SMR / Archive drives.

Fixes backup log emails sending the previous job’s output.

Fixes SMB access issues on shares restriced to the default “users” group.

Fixes Bit Rot Protection alert messaging mechanism.

Fixes potential network buffer overrun with heavy traffic on RN102/104/2120.

Fixes long I/O stalls after snapshot deletion on systems with lots of data and many snapshots.

Prompts with confirmation before executing manual volume maintenance (defrag, scrub, balance).

Moved ssh key download under the ssh service (under settings).

Improved the email alerts settings.

Fix update image verification issue on some RN10x machines.

Disabled UAS mode for USB drives on RN10x and RN2120, since this was problematic with some drives.

Fixes network settings GUI on bonded interfaces.

Fixes packet loss on bonded interfaces when losing a link on RN2xx.

Fixes domain joining when specifiying an OU that contains spaces for the machine account.

Accepts IPv6 AFP connections.

Fixes hardware clock reset after updating from 6.2.x.

Fixes network memory allocation error on RN10x / 2120 when changing MTU.

Changed RN10x / RN2120 network LED behavior to match 6.2.x.

Always provide the admin user access to FTP shares.

Dynamically resizes RAID cache size as needed.

Fixes issue with RN10x / RN2120 where the system may not power off fully.

Allows network configuration without a gateway.

Displays critical kernel messages on LCD.

Fixes disabling guest access on shares.

Fixes potential crash when taking a snapshot while balance is running.

Fixes share quota display on SMB clients on new shares with no data.

Fixes external storage name map getting reset after formatting an external drive.

Mounts dirty NTFS filesystem read-only, instead of ignoring them.

Fixes rsync backup jobs where the destination system uses an old rsync version.

Shows external storage share capacity usage in UI Shares tab overview.

Fixes incremental backups to local NTFS or FAT32-formatted external drives.

Fixes premature timeouts on rsync backup jobs.

前回(6.4.0)は、Release Date Oct 05, 2015なので、約2ヶ月後での登場。

関連:[要注意] ReadyNAS(RN10400-100AJS)用の新ファームウェア(v6.4.0)は危険かも!

今回のアップデートには、バグ修正(Bug Fixes)だけでなく、新項目(New Features)がいくつかあるね。





ReadyNAS OSは、多数のファームウェアのアップデートが行われてきており、安定性が増している。

私の環境では、24時間365日、常に通電し続けている状態だが、必要な時だけ電源がONになるパワータイマーや、遠隔地から電源をONにできるWake On LAN(WOL)にも対応しているので、それを活用すれば省電力を目指せる。


関連:[要注意] ReadyNAS(RN10400-100AJS)用の新ファームウェア(v6.4.0)は危険かも!







関連:ReadyNAS OS Version 6.1.7(ReadyNAS 104,RN10400-100AJS,NETGEAR)

関連:ReadyNAS OS Version 6.1.6(ReadyNAS 104,RN10400-100AJS,NETGEAR)






関連:ReadyNAS 104(RN10400-100AJS,NETGEAR)の使用容量が90%を超過!(空き容量不足)






関連:ウエスタンデジタル(WD,Western Digital)のハードディスクの色の違いと意味、選択方法 [青(Blue),緑(Green),黒(Black),赤(Red),紫(Purple)]

NETGEAR Inc. ReadyNAS 102 【3年保証】 2ベイ Diskless RN10200-100AJS
ネットギア (2013-05-31)
売り上げランキング: 687

NETGEAR Inc. ReadyNAS 104 【3年保証】 4ベイ Diskless RN10400-100AJS
ネットギア (2013-05-31)
売り上げランキング: 2,379

NETGEAR Inc. ReadyNAS 316 【5年保証】 6ベイ Diskless RN31600-100AJS
ネットギア (2013-04-19)
売り上げランキング: 10,168
